Shower Sex: A Beginner’s Guide!
Two bodies kissing, steam filling the room, water showering over you. These all sound so sexy and adventurous, you can picture it in your head like an erotic movie and it is just so hot!
Spoiler is not so easy nor all that sexy some of the time, yet this is an experience that everyone dreams about and you should not be the exception. So, let’s learn some basic tips and tricks, and talk about recommended positions (blink) to make it the hottest experience of all.
Spoiler is not so easy nor all that sexy some of the time, yet this is an experience that everyone dreams about and you should not be the exception. So, let’s learn some basic tips and tricks, and talk about recommended positions (blink) to make it the hottest experience of all.
Let’s start with what should be a priority...and sometimes isn’t, Safety! Slippery floors and balancing can become a real hustle in the bathroom, you can still make it work by making your bathroom safer, you just need to take some measures.
Sex-tested bathrooms benefit from using a suction-on foot rest, yes, like the one used for shaving...or for old people (that’s funny). This unpredictable resource can do wonders for balance in the shower. Another idea is adding a floor mat, make sure it is not slippery, at the base of your bath tub. It helps prevent possible falls, it also helps with stability and it feels comfortable when laying down.
Water and Sex…don’t always go well together
Although water is basically the most wonderful thing in the world, and it looks super sexy in pictures and is not necessarily sex’s best friend... when in the shower. Water does not replace lube, but the opposite, you might need to add some to the mix for a more fulfilling experience.
Before making it happen you should take a ride to the store. Both natural and water-based lubes are a bit unqualified for this job since they are mostly meant for condoms and toys, instead look for one with a silicon formula, they don’t evaporate or dry up during use, so it’ll be more resistant to water. Read the bottle carefully to avoid unintended or unsatisfying results.
Condoms are also not ideal for shower sex, they are prone to breaking since water can mess with the lubricant.

Careful with what you bring to the tub, make sure your sex toys are waterproof!
And keep in mind that although they might be waterproof, it is never a good idea to keep them under water for too long.
Moving on, did you know that there is flavored, edible shower gel...? If this is not a sexy way to surprise your shower mate and add a different taste to your sex rituals, then I just don’t know what is.
These unique and pleasurable gels are made with edible ingredients, they leave no aftertaste and won't get in the way for oral pleasures, definitely a must for the bath or shower.

Mood setters
Having sex with music is hot no matter where you are, but adding it to the shower seasoning is like taking it to the next level. Music is especially useful if your bathroom has thin walls or if you have roommates. Make a playlist to set the proper mood and feel the beat.
Candles are not for every occasion, that’s true. If it is more like a wild and dirty type of situation, then candles don’t quite match. However, if you are looking to set the mood for a sensual bath, do not leave those out. The scent of a burning candle is perfect to set an erotic atmosphere.
This time candles will only play a part as ornament, mood setters, yet for other type of “sessions” candle wax can have a leading part. Those are a specific kind of candles though; you could get seriously injured if you use just any type.

Needless it is to say that sex in the shower is super fun, however not every position is recommended, first because of safety but secondly, because it might be uncomfortable...and sex is for you to enjoy, not to prove your athletic skills.
Let’s talk about some positions then:
• Facing the wall: easy, sexy and stable. This position helps prevent slippery accidents. Just have your female face the wall and bend over, embrace your power and enjoy the view.
• One leg up: she can either place it on the edge of the tub or around you. The one on the floor needs to be super secure on a non-slippery mat or something else. If you lose balance you could end up on the floor and it might not be pretty.
• Sitting on the edge. If you sit on the edge of the tub or on a shower seat, this version of the “Seat less bike” can be quite a ride. Keep the water running but not falling directly on you, it gives the ambience a sexy tone without getting on your face...or elsewhere.
• Knees on the ground. You can both get on your knees, she will need to bend over a bit, you’ll be on her back or not, and enjoy the ride!
Hopefully these tips can get you on the right direction for super fun and sensual shower sex. Of course, if you have gained your own savviness, don’t keep it to yourself. Add your comments below and help a fellow Iconic Man!
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Loves traveling, always up for exploring new places. Enjoys walking, cooking and drinking wine. Avid reader, passionate for Latin American literature and Spanish rock music.