Sex on your DESK – Your Virtual Girlfriend can be one click away
Are you getting the absolute best Desktop Sex experience? Does your virtual fuck buddy really understand your needs? How do you even get a Virtual Girlfriend who really knows what you want? Is there something better than OnLine Dating?
Porn Star Sex
There was a time where anything Porn related tended to be under something! ‘Under the counter’ at your local shop, ‘under wraps’ at the newsagent, ‘undercover’ when being sent through the post and perhaps mostly found ‘under the bed’ in the form of Men’s Mags. Porn Stars have been obliging us with a certain amount of excitement and definitely a relief to men (yes and some women like porn too before you go all sexist on me) for many years.
There was a time where anything Porn related tended to be under something! ‘Under the counter’ at your local shop, ‘under wraps’ at the newsagent, ‘undercover’ when being sent through the post and perhaps mostly found ‘under the bed’ in the form of Men’s Mags. Porn Stars have been obliging us with a certain amount of excitement and definitely a relief to men (yes and some women like porn too before you go all sexist on me) for many years.

Now, it seems that Porn is available more freely and openly with a whole new line of Porn Stars emerging year on year. They even have Award shows where the best of the best get to pick up and handle their prized phallic shaped trophy, to add to the others gleaming on their mantle-piece (which no doubt the cleaner finds hilarious every time get to dust and polish).
Fake v Virtually REAL
You might not be able to get up close and personal with these stars but let’s be honest would you really want to? Or would you prefer someone a little more real, your very own ‘virtual girlfriend’ for example? Available on your screen, whenever you feel the need and who is there just for you. A girl you can talk to, have a laugh with and if you do feel the need, ‘virtually’ fuck with.
Yes, these girls really do exist and come in all different shapes and sizes. They’re not just your usual one size fits all, fake, vanilla porn diva’s and will open up a whole new world for you. One that is much quicker than trawling through never-ending On-Line dating sites, only to end up disappointed with reality.
How to find a Virtual Girlfriend
Now before you, all go mad at me because what follows isn’t a list of the best (or worst) VG apps for your mobile phone, just stop for a minute and listen up because what I’ve got to show you is way better than any of that cartoon crap. My idea of a virtual girlfriend doesn’t include something which isn’t even human, I mean come on guys, don’t you need a bit of REAL in your lives? This is even better than right on your doorstep and way better than some half-baked pre-programmed App on your screen, or yet another best-ever Online Dating site. These are real girls, with real minds, real thoughts and a real-life personality.
OK, so there are fake bits here and there, I think they’re referred to as enhancements and if you are into that kind of silicon filled fantasy, that’s fine but many are not. What you want is someone who cares how you are feeling, wants to know how your day has been and even wants to know what you had for lunch!
What Men Have
Now that Still 2-dimensional images of your favourite fantasy girl have become screen savers and clips from your fave bit of porn have turned into memes, it seems that like everything else, glamour models, topless stars and porn model fantasies last as long as it takes to change your screen saver. Do men feel cheated by this? You bet! What once started as an image of the perfect fantasy girl, molded over time into the ultimate SAF picture inside your head, which would make you explode before you’d even finished revealing it, has now been reduced to here today and gone tomorrow. Or should that be, here this second and gone the next.

Instead of having those dreamy, (sometimes) busty glamour girls of the 70’s and 80’s who would lift up their t-shirt just for you, as well as personally sign your ass if you asked nicely enough, our screens are filled with as many Top Porn Stars as there are screens it would seem. There are now as many ‘TOP of the …’ lists as there are actual Porn models, all struggling to be known as the best, many unfortunately missing the mark entirely due to their Diva status.
CUE …. Your Ultimate Cam Girlfriend
What exactly is a Cam Girl
If any of you have been living in the dark ages, you won’t understand the meaning of ‘Cam Girl’, nor the related term ‘Webcam Model’ and if you just rushed to wiki to see what this phrase means, don’t be surprised to see the words Erotic and Porn in the description. But before you get all sanctimonious on me and point out that it’s all the same, I’m here to dispute that and their description. If only those so-called ‘know it all’s’ would do their research first and foremost, they would realize how different a webcam model is to that of your traditional (and some would say) fake Porn star.

What Men Really Want
For starters, when was the last time your fave porn star or glamour puss looked you straight in the eye and asked you how your day has been? When did you receive your last personal text message from this faux fantasy girlfriend? How many times has she asked you exactly how and when and responded to your every wish and dream right in front of your eyes? Whether you are on the latest, greatest Online Dating site or sexting with your virtual girlfriend, you’ll never get the same kind of attention as you really want (and need).
Meet Lana who is a cam model working for the largest and most successful Cam studio in the world.

Lana has been a Cam Model since 2008 and earns nearly 10 times the average wage in her native Romania. So does she spend all of her days (and nights) rolling around naked, with dildos protruding from every orifice, as those opinionated anti-porn enthusiasts would have you believe?
"Mostly it's conversation. I do role-play sometimes, and a small part of it is nudity and masturbation," she says.
"It's up to you as a woman to lead, and that's quite empowering."
It would seem that the majority of guys are actually looking for a connection with a real human being, someone they can talk with, laugh with and for the most part simply chat about the mundane parts of their life, as they would their partner.
If you are looking for your very own Desktop Girlfriend, check back soon when I’ll be reviewing some of the absolute best Cam girls and Cam Sites that will leave you wishing you had a much bigger bank balance and 36 hours in a single day!
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I love travel, the arts, reading, enjoy nature and all its beauty, prefer to holiday in remote locations, love to cook (especially using fresh ingredients) and have a passion for music and Aston Martins.