Get over your penis size insecurities
Do you think of your size as an obstacle? Do you find yourself freaking out before sleeping with someone about her reaction to your penis? 3 words: GET OVER IT!
Isn’t it time you stopped stressing about something which is actually only inside your head? The majority of research shows that men worry needlessly about the size of their penis, believing firstly that it’s smaller than it really is and secondly assuming every other man in the room has one that’s bigger. Stop stressing, help is at hand (not literally … down boy) to give you a whole new perspective on the facts, rumours and downright fallacies surrounding the size of mans most treasured equipment.
Do women really care about the size of your penis?
It’s unbelievable that after so long and so much discussion, men still stress about the size of their penis! Guys, seriously even the major condom makers have been making smaller sizes of condoms, on the basis of nationality and geographic sales for years. It’s a fact that condom sizes are smaller in Eastern markets than they are in the West. Whether this is due to varying size of penises or a preference on fit as some have liked to suggest, is debatable but what is absolutely clear is that many women DON’T CARE!

Think about the anatomy of women and that of a man, yes I know fairly straight-forward, one fits inside the other. Sometimes it can be a little loose, so us women can make use of those muscles to tighten things up and other times it can be somewhat snug. Now, many women will tell you there is snug and then downright uncomfortable, so before you start worrying about not having the world’s biggest dick, think about where it’s going!
Women also have numerous erogenous zones, which believe me if you are built like a donkey ain't gonna make any of them tick, assuming you can even get in there to find them. Guys who are smaller find all sorts of pleasure over and above the thrusting!
What is considered to be an average sized penis?

Let’s get measuring:
There have of course been numerous studies on men’s penis size worldwide and you do have to be careful to ensure the data you are comparing is comparable. The actual measure should be from the top of the stem root to the top of the glans for the length and around the thickest part of the girth for the circumference.
So what does the data actually tell us? Well for starters it seems unlikely it has very much to do with the size of your feet, your height, how often you masturbate, the size when it is flaccid, or the length of your index finger compared to your ring finger!

According to the World Data info, based upon numerous studies and evaluations, the world-wide measures are:
World Penis Table:
-Average Flaccid length 7 to 10 cms
-Average Flaccid circumference 9 to 10 cms
-Average Erect length 12 to 16 cms
-Average Erect circumference 12 cms
BEFORE you go rushing for the tape measure, do bear in mind that there are significant differences worldwide, with men in the Congo averaging nearly 18cms, whilst those in Korea don’t quite reach a 10!

Do you really need help increasing your penis size?
Although the majority of women claim to be happy with their partners' size, clearly there are many men who believe their penis is too small, so what options are there, so you can feel confident about your size?
First of all, remember when you are looking down at it, it will appear smaller than it actually is. Your perception of what is small really does differ from reality.
Smoking, alcohol, unhealthy eating habits and lack of exercise, really do make a difference, especially when it comes down to erectile function and performance. There are enhancements products on the market, from creams through to mechanical devices which are designed to lengthen and grow the penis. But please before you running to the nearest chemist or online store, check out what the research really says about your size and start thinking positively about your tackle.
You are statistically unlikely to be the man with the smallest penis in the room, so stop acting like it! Embrace what you have and learn how to best use it!
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I love travel, the arts, reading, enjoy nature and all its beauty, prefer to holiday in remote locations, love to cook (especially using fresh ingredients) and have a passion for music and Aston Martins.