Weird Dating Sites that are super intriguing
Scouting the internet for the next online dating site to subscribe to, one can stumble across some very weird ones. The names are intriguing and you can’t help but wonder, who actually uses them?
Well, regular online dating sites are not for everyone. There are quirky, geeky and alternative people out there who are looking for a soulmate and standard dating sites don’t deliver for them. Online dating is more common nowadays than meeting someone at a bar.
You probably already have a dating profile, because who doesn’t? But if you’re constantly striking out, maybe you should re-examine your choices. If you are a loner or just don’t like the same boring stuff as everyone, dating with a random person will be a total drag. Opposites do attract and might make a good first date but rarely end up together. Plus if you are into very specific stuff like sci-fi or vampires, wouldn’t you want to date people only into that?
Singles are becoming pickier in selecting the right dating site since nobody has time to waste. Popular sites have millions of users but if you are looking for some specifics in your possible soulmate, maybe you should a give a go to one of the 30 we summed up.
Amish Dating
Pretty self explanatory, this site is designed for the Amish singles. One question keeps popping in my head, how are they going to log in? Amish are supposed to live a retro kinda lifestyle, with no electricity, so how can they use an online site without Internet?

Awake Dating
Definitely the most bizarre dating site I have ever been on. This site is destined for conspiracy theorists. Those on the site are ‘‘woken” and see the truth about world leaders being in a secht, lizard people living in a holographic moon etc.
Can Do Better
So you upload your photo and your partner’s photo and people vote whether you can do better or she can do better or you’re a perfect match. The person who is deemed that he/she can do better can enter the site. Very politically incorrect on so many levels.
Clown Dating
"Everyone loves a clown...let a clown love you." This is the site’s motto which complete forgets that in pop culture, clowns are scary af. It is so creepy but I guess there are people into clowning and they deserve to find the person that “Behind all the make-up and the red nose is a lonely heart.”

Cosplay Friends Date
If you are into cosplay, then this is the site for you. Fellow cosplay dressers login and you can potentially meet the one that will accompany you at the next Comic Con.
Date Skaters
A very specific site for people who want to date exclusively skaters. I feel that meeting a skater IRL is very easy, just hang outside a skating park and strike a convo. Super specific and unnecessary like Date a Golfer.
Dead Meet
If you are a mortician, funeral director, gravedigger or in general occupy with any profession related to death this is the site for you. Instead of having dates fleeting when they find out what you do for living, you can meet others who deal with dead people and won’t be creeped out.
Diaper Mates
This by far the weirdest as it deals with a particular fetish. People who enjoy wearing diapers have now a place to meet and be their true diaper wearing self. You can even watch videos, go on live chat, view photos and vote in polls for all sorts of diaper-related stuff.

Equestrian Cupid
Cowboys and Cowgirls can finally meet online. Their shared love for horses and riding is crucial into finding the perfect match. Horse enthusiasts can can chat about our hooved friends and as a date they can enjoy long rides in the countryside.
Farmers Only
If you enjoy country life and cultivating your own products and need to meet someone who thinks alike then log in. Their motto: "City folk just don't get it" so if you are into a laid back, calmer outdoor lifestyle go and create a profile.
Furry Mate
A site for those love dressing up as cartoon animals and dry humping each other in the privacy of their homes rather than in the toilet stall of a Comic Con.
Gluten Free Singles
In a world full of gluten, gluten-free people are searching for their soulmate. Whatever the reason is to go gluten-free, the struggle is real on dates. If your date isn’t understanding of your dietary needs, then how can you even date them? “Love goes through the stomach”, afterall.

Gothic Match
If you’re still into Goth and want to meet someone who dresses alike, then create a profile. You can chat in their forum about gothic ideas and learn about gothic fashion shows and tattoos.
Herpes Fish
Well if you have Herpes, you probably found out how hard it is to find a partner who is ok with it. This site is designed for STD infected people that simply want to avoid the awkward convo. Although, it sounds cringy, STDs are still prominent (seriously guys its 2019) so it’s good to have everything out in the open.
The Tinder for weed. Are you a marijuana smoker? Do you want to date someone who will join you with a joint and won’t judge? Meet your future pothead nearby and smoke away my friends. This site is available to those over 21 year old and in states where smoking drugs is legal.
Marry Me Already
This site gets to the point straight aways. Only those who want to get married asap are welcomed. Your first date can serve as a rehearsal dinner and your first week as your engagement period. Sounds pushy but who am I to judge?

Meet Mindful
When you login you have to choose two interests from the following list: meditation, mindfulness, yoga, healing, conscious diet, green living, environmentalism, volunteering, fitness, spirituality, travel, buying local, and personal growth. Depending on your selection you’re matched accordingly.
Well spending time in a prison is hard enough, but having no letters or communication with anyone is probably the worse. And when you do receive a letter, it will be open by a Government official. This site gives to all prisoners the chance to meet their better half or form a solid friendship.
Mullet Passions
Just when you thought that the most outdated hairstyle of the century was about to eclipse, this site comes to reunite all the mullet enthusiasts. If you are into the “business in the front, party in the back” hairstyle trend, then instead of chopping them off to get a date (my firm suggestion) login and find someone who’s into it.
Naturist Passion
If you’re into leaving everything hang nice and loose, then look no further. This site is exclusive to nudists seeking fellow nudists.

Yet one more up for dating furries although this one is very specific. So if you want to dress up like your favourite furry character and go on a furry date, create a profile.
Sea Captain Date
The site quotes: “In the unforgiving ocean of love let us be your lighthouse." If you are a captain or you would love to meet a captain, this site is destined for you.
Settle for Love
Tired of looking out for the perfect one? Do you feel like settling down for anything? The site invites you to write down all your flaws and imperfections and checkout who’s willing to settle and end up with you.
Tall Friends
Being tall is a benefit and a curse at the same time. Trousers might not fit but it doesn’t mean you can’t meet your tall soulmate. This platform specializes in finding your Tall love.

The Atlas Sphere
Written on the site is : “Connecting admirers of the Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged” so there you have it. All Ayn Rand’s fans can meet discuss about the books and possibly hit it off.
Trek Passions
Are you sci-fi fan? Do you love Star Trek? Then put your Vulcan ears on, take a selfie and create a profile. Your sci-fi mate awaits.
Trucker Passions
Are you a truck driver who spends what seems an eternity on the road? If you are tired of chance encounters and don’t have time to date, this site is destined for you. Whether you drive a lorry or you’re an owner operator, you can meet someone.

Ugly Schmucks
If you’re ugly and you know it don’t clap your hands, enter the site instead. If you don’t have a conventional beauty and you’re tired being told off about how different you look from your dating profile site picture, then be honest and log in Ugly Schmucks. Their motto is that in their site the users “can relate to you in ways a non-ugly person could never understand.”
Vampire Passions
Its sounds like an outdated tv show, you know the ones we actually watched on a regular tv back in the day. Destined for people who Twilight is life and believe they shouldn’t hide their inner vampire
Witch Dating
Witches, Wiccans, Druids, Heathens, Pagans, Shamans look no further! In this site you will fellow magical existences, who also missed their Hogwarts letter, meet and mingle. So if you want to go on the most magical date ever, start by creating a profile.

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A funky person who likes change. Loves travelling, photography, eating and binge-watching shows. Favorite pastime is eating and of course uploading pictures of fancy food on Instagram. Sings out loud when she is writing and loves reading crime novels.