The Top 5 profiles to avoid on DATING APPS - How to recognize everything from the fake to the undecided
Dating apps have changed the dating game. But they haven’t changed it for everyone. On the contrary. There are more and more people that find them disappointing. Ok, some even hate them. But what is the reason behind that? After all, they were supposed to be our ticket to bringing people together faster and with more ease. And that remains true for most cases. But with great popularity comes big trouble for the dating app industry and its users. Because, as John Keynes said, "The difficulty is not so much in developing new ideas but with escaping the old ones".
And old ideas are just the point. It doesn’t matter what algorithms are presented to you, or how good your profile is, if don’t pay enough attention to what kind of people you target, match and go out with. It’s like going to a restaurant and ordering the food you think will be served the fastest, although you know there is a good chance that you will not like it.
So why are some profiles really not worth your time? And how do you spot the ones that you should avoid on dating apps?
As a man, the dating game on apps may seem somewhat harder than for a woman. But that doesn’t mean it is true, or that there is nothing you can do about it. You can start by changing your attitude and learn to avoid the profiles that will just distract you from your goals. You don’t have to date all the women in the world, get into toxic relationships and cringe dates just to prove to the world that you can do it.
As an Iconic man, the only person you need to prove something to is yourself. That is where it all begins. If you manage to do that you will project all the necessary qualities to be successful. Your greatest struggle is the one to stay adamant. So your general rule should be not to get distracted by things that are not worth your time.
Life is about choices and dating is no exception. And the best way to make sure you stay on course is to stay clear of the things you don’t need in your life.
In the dating app world, that means you should stay clear of all sorts of profiles from fake to the undecided.
So let’s have a look at the profiles that stand between you and finding the match you need.

This is one of the things people complain about the most when it comes to dating apps. And, although they are nothing new, they will affect your dating app experience in the worst possible way. Everything from trolls to scammers or even bot powered accounts that dating apps use to get people to install and use their app.
They may seem harmless but remember, they are a multi-million dollar business.
And you must know about them because even if some of them are blatantly fake, others are much harder to spot. The most basic and easy use of fake accounts, by the very companies that create dating apps, is simply not deleting profiles of members that have canceled their membership, or let their membership lapse. That way they still show up in the search results, even if they don’t use the app anymore.
This is one of the strategies used by some dating apps to keep the appearance of a large community. And they are the hardest to spot, the most common, but the most harmless overall. That doesn’t mean however they are not cheating you of your time and the money you invest in your subscription.
Other sizable percentages of fake accounts belong to catfishes. These are usually out to extract personal information or ask you for money. Catfishing is a serious business with thousands of people being deceived every year to send money to people they have never met in person. So don’t take this threat lightly. Good catfishers will build a bond and share a lot of "personal" information until they get you invested in their scam. Stay away from fake accounts if you want to save on both time and money.
How to spot fake accounts?
- they have only one or two photos.
- they have very old photos or low-resolution pictures.
- they have pictures of celebrities or no picture and no description.
- they are nowhere to be found on social media platforms. They usually have Facebook accounts with just one picture and very few friends, which are usually also fake accounts.
- they are way too flirty and straight forward.
- they send automatic answers that make little or no sense.
- they send links telling you to click to support causes, or that perhaps promote certain other sites.
- they ask very personal questions straight off the bat.

The profiles that are not fake but might as well be, are those belonging to women that are not interested in dating apps but do join them because of the social network benefits they bring. They are not to be confused with women that are not interested in you or dating in general. The people behind these profiles are not interested in anything relating to dating apps. They just use the platform to expand their Instagram or Facebook following.
Some of them don’t even link their own page but instead that of the business they are promoting. Ever since Instagram became the number two social media network in the world, people have been thinking of ways to improve their number of followers, and some say good tinder pics linked to an Instagram account can get you up to 100 extra followers a day.
And while the motivation behind it is understandable, the execution is not. All this accomplishes, in the end, is to make you lose your time on profiles that want to financially profit from dating app users.
How to spot the social Queen?
- all the pictures are very scenic and photoshopped.
- contrary to popular belief they don’t use too many filters.
- you have at least one swimsuit photo in the first three pictures in the dating app profiles.
- the Instagram pictures showcased on the dating profile are always sexy and taken in the summer.
- the description will be short and it will end with a link or the name of the Instagram account. And you will probably get something like: "I don’t use the app all that often. If you want to talk message me. at...followed by the Instagram account."

This is not one of the profiles you should avoid because they want something from you. This is a profile you should avoid because it will be a strain on your patience and it will most likely prove to be a waste of time. The women behind the smart ass profile are good people but they are not what you need. Every man likes a confident woman that knows what she wants and has the ability and means to get it.
They are the positive self-assured and enticing partners that can be part of any plans you have. They will make you feel like a deer in the headlights and will be the absolute aphrodisiacs of dating. You know, the kind that walks into a room and immediately musters the attention of everyone there.
But the smart ass profiles on dating apps are not where you will find them.
More often than not dating apps provide a playing ground for people to try out different roles. And women who play this role here tend to be the exact opposite. That hot mind and blazing personality that you would normally expect, are going to be hard to find. And if the confidence she boasts is locked in a confrontational pattern, you should stop trying to get her out on a date.
Not only you two will not click but no matter how great your efforts will be, the rewards will be modest.
How to spot the wrong smart ass?
- too many pictures of her (at least half of which focus on her face). She will always try to look like she doesn’t care.
- conversely, she will have only a few pics, with smart ass quotes or distorted pictures of her.
- she will have a profile description full of things she doesn’t want. Too many ''never-s'' and ''don’ts''.
- the description will contain things like don’t swipe right if you don’t know who Bansky is.
- she will always reply with a certain undertone to anything you write.
- she will complain people don’t understand her.

Gold digger profiles are a constant segment on any dating app. The beautiful ultimate thrills. They may seem mythical creatures to some and the equivalent of fake profiles to others. The reality is gold diggers are quite fun sociable women that are a joy to date until they become a problem. They will eventually show their true colors and you will notice that about the time when you begin to pay for everything, including their bills.
The danger of engaging these women on dating apps is not that you will waste your time or be disappointed while dating them. They will enter your life like a sexy James Bond version of your most beautiful dreams. And like a sleeper agent, they will gain your trust and your heart, on their way to your wallet. But that is why you should do your best to avoid them.
You might think that they are easy to detect but you cannot be more wrong. For men who like to earn hard and party harder, they will be the drug that keeps the party going. And you will love them for that. But this time love will have a price. You have been warned.
How to spot the smart gold digger?
- gold diggers are open, lovable and sociable creatures and you will see that in their profile description
- the pictures will almost always be on yachts, at expensive hotels, or in fancy cars
- if you start messaging she will always drop name brands and expensive clubs.
- she will have no financial issues but she will never talk about money or her job
- after you do go out a couple of times she will be very interested in your projects and ask for your help with hers. She will tell you two should start a business together. (Together will mean you will have to pay)

This is one of the profile types that you will regret approaching the most. And I can’t even begin to tell you how much your life will change if you do. You will be lucky to escape with simple ghosting. It doesn’t matter how much you do for this woman, she will never be satisfied and will often blame you for her unhappiness. From your first dating app message, you
will enter a world of never-ending problems, sprinkled with moments of joy and laughter. If you will keep this conversation going, your efforts of constantly improving yourself and becoming better in any way, will hit the iceberg and sink like the Titanic. She will message you at all hours of the night, during meetings, lunches or gym sessions and she will prove to be the kryptonite of any plan you will ever have.
You should avoid such profiles, not because they hide bad people, but because they hide the exact personalities that will tank any determination and resolve you might have. In her moments of not getting everyone around her depressed, the undecided will compare you with ex-boyfriends and tell you how good they were at what you are not. She will otherwise be very passionate and alluring, and you will feel like her white knight. Only later to find yourself drained and exhausted by her constant lack of motivation and the way she will drop any plans you two have at the slightest mood swing.
How to spot the undecided?
- Little to no pictures
- Conversely pictures taken in the passenger seat of a car, or with multiple guys at social events.
- victim syndrome in the description.
- the description will also often state that she is just here to look around.
- little to no personal information
- if you do message she will answer rarely but then come back out of the blue
- she will be open about her insecurities but she will expect you to solve them. And they will never end. Trust me.
Many would have you believe that dating apps are all about algorithms and probabilities. But in fact, dating apps are not about how to get around the system faster and get a date. They are about how to get a date with the right person, in due time. So stay clear of these profiles and only go for the ones that you need.
Be selective with your dating app game. It is not only the wisest option, but it is also the right one.
And old ideas are just the point. It doesn’t matter what algorithms are presented to you, or how good your profile is, if don’t pay enough attention to what kind of people you target, match and go out with. It’s like going to a restaurant and ordering the food you think will be served the fastest, although you know there is a good chance that you will not like it.
So why are some profiles really not worth your time? And how do you spot the ones that you should avoid on dating apps?

Focus on your goals
As a man, the dating game on apps may seem somewhat harder than for a woman. But that doesn’t mean it is true, or that there is nothing you can do about it. You can start by changing your attitude and learn to avoid the profiles that will just distract you from your goals. You don’t have to date all the women in the world, get into toxic relationships and cringe dates just to prove to the world that you can do it.
As an Iconic man, the only person you need to prove something to is yourself. That is where it all begins. If you manage to do that you will project all the necessary qualities to be successful. Your greatest struggle is the one to stay adamant. So your general rule should be not to get distracted by things that are not worth your time.
Life is about choices and dating is no exception. And the best way to make sure you stay on course is to stay clear of the things you don’t need in your life.
In the dating app world, that means you should stay clear of all sorts of profiles from fake to the undecided.
So let’s have a look at the profiles that stand between you and finding the match you need.

1. The Fake
This is one of the things people complain about the most when it comes to dating apps. And, although they are nothing new, they will affect your dating app experience in the worst possible way. Everything from trolls to scammers or even bot powered accounts that dating apps use to get people to install and use their app.
They may seem harmless but remember, they are a multi-million dollar business.
And you must know about them because even if some of them are blatantly fake, others are much harder to spot. The most basic and easy use of fake accounts, by the very companies that create dating apps, is simply not deleting profiles of members that have canceled their membership, or let their membership lapse. That way they still show up in the search results, even if they don’t use the app anymore.
This is one of the strategies used by some dating apps to keep the appearance of a large community. And they are the hardest to spot, the most common, but the most harmless overall. That doesn’t mean however they are not cheating you of your time and the money you invest in your subscription.
Other sizable percentages of fake accounts belong to catfishes. These are usually out to extract personal information or ask you for money. Catfishing is a serious business with thousands of people being deceived every year to send money to people they have never met in person. So don’t take this threat lightly. Good catfishers will build a bond and share a lot of "personal" information until they get you invested in their scam. Stay away from fake accounts if you want to save on both time and money.
How to spot fake accounts?
- they have only one or two photos.
- they have very old photos or low-resolution pictures.
- they have pictures of celebrities or no picture and no description.
- they are nowhere to be found on social media platforms. They usually have Facebook accounts with just one picture and very few friends, which are usually also fake accounts.
- they are way too flirty and straight forward.
- they send automatic answers that make little or no sense.
- they send links telling you to click to support causes, or that perhaps promote certain other sites.
- they ask very personal questions straight off the bat.

2. The social media Queen
The profiles that are not fake but might as well be, are those belonging to women that are not interested in dating apps but do join them because of the social network benefits they bring. They are not to be confused with women that are not interested in you or dating in general. The people behind these profiles are not interested in anything relating to dating apps. They just use the platform to expand their Instagram or Facebook following.
Some of them don’t even link their own page but instead that of the business they are promoting. Ever since Instagram became the number two social media network in the world, people have been thinking of ways to improve their number of followers, and some say good tinder pics linked to an Instagram account can get you up to 100 extra followers a day.
And while the motivation behind it is understandable, the execution is not. All this accomplishes, in the end, is to make you lose your time on profiles that want to financially profit from dating app users.
How to spot the social Queen?
- all the pictures are very scenic and photoshopped.
- contrary to popular belief they don’t use too many filters.
- you have at least one swimsuit photo in the first three pictures in the dating app profiles.
- the Instagram pictures showcased on the dating profile are always sexy and taken in the summer.
- the description will be short and it will end with a link or the name of the Instagram account. And you will probably get something like: "I don’t use the app all that often. If you want to talk message me. at...followed by the Instagram account."

3. The wrong smart ass
This is not one of the profiles you should avoid because they want something from you. This is a profile you should avoid because it will be a strain on your patience and it will most likely prove to be a waste of time. The women behind the smart ass profile are good people but they are not what you need. Every man likes a confident woman that knows what she wants and has the ability and means to get it.
They are the positive self-assured and enticing partners that can be part of any plans you have. They will make you feel like a deer in the headlights and will be the absolute aphrodisiacs of dating. You know, the kind that walks into a room and immediately musters the attention of everyone there.
But the smart ass profiles on dating apps are not where you will find them.
More often than not dating apps provide a playing ground for people to try out different roles. And women who play this role here tend to be the exact opposite. That hot mind and blazing personality that you would normally expect, are going to be hard to find. And if the confidence she boasts is locked in a confrontational pattern, you should stop trying to get her out on a date.
Not only you two will not click but no matter how great your efforts will be, the rewards will be modest.
How to spot the wrong smart ass?
- too many pictures of her (at least half of which focus on her face). She will always try to look like she doesn’t care.
- conversely, she will have only a few pics, with smart ass quotes or distorted pictures of her.
- she will have a profile description full of things she doesn’t want. Too many ''never-s'' and ''don’ts''.
- the description will contain things like don’t swipe right if you don’t know who Bansky is.
- she will always reply with a certain undertone to anything you write.
- she will complain people don’t understand her.

4. The smart gold digger
Gold digger profiles are a constant segment on any dating app. The beautiful ultimate thrills. They may seem mythical creatures to some and the equivalent of fake profiles to others. The reality is gold diggers are quite fun sociable women that are a joy to date until they become a problem. They will eventually show their true colors and you will notice that about the time when you begin to pay for everything, including their bills.
The danger of engaging these women on dating apps is not that you will waste your time or be disappointed while dating them. They will enter your life like a sexy James Bond version of your most beautiful dreams. And like a sleeper agent, they will gain your trust and your heart, on their way to your wallet. But that is why you should do your best to avoid them.
You might think that they are easy to detect but you cannot be more wrong. For men who like to earn hard and party harder, they will be the drug that keeps the party going. And you will love them for that. But this time love will have a price. You have been warned.
How to spot the smart gold digger?
- gold diggers are open, lovable and sociable creatures and you will see that in their profile description
- the pictures will almost always be on yachts, at expensive hotels, or in fancy cars
- if you start messaging she will always drop name brands and expensive clubs.
- she will have no financial issues but she will never talk about money or her job
- after you do go out a couple of times she will be very interested in your projects and ask for your help with hers. She will tell you two should start a business together. (Together will mean you will have to pay)

5. The undecided
This is one of the profile types that you will regret approaching the most. And I can’t even begin to tell you how much your life will change if you do. You will be lucky to escape with simple ghosting. It doesn’t matter how much you do for this woman, she will never be satisfied and will often blame you for her unhappiness. From your first dating app message, you
will enter a world of never-ending problems, sprinkled with moments of joy and laughter. If you will keep this conversation going, your efforts of constantly improving yourself and becoming better in any way, will hit the iceberg and sink like the Titanic. She will message you at all hours of the night, during meetings, lunches or gym sessions and she will prove to be the kryptonite of any plan you will ever have.
You should avoid such profiles, not because they hide bad people, but because they hide the exact personalities that will tank any determination and resolve you might have. In her moments of not getting everyone around her depressed, the undecided will compare you with ex-boyfriends and tell you how good they were at what you are not. She will otherwise be very passionate and alluring, and you will feel like her white knight. Only later to find yourself drained and exhausted by her constant lack of motivation and the way she will drop any plans you two have at the slightest mood swing.
How to spot the undecided?
- Little to no pictures
- Conversely pictures taken in the passenger seat of a car, or with multiple guys at social events.
- victim syndrome in the description.
- the description will also often state that she is just here to look around.
- little to no personal information
- if you do message she will answer rarely but then come back out of the blue
- she will be open about her insecurities but she will expect you to solve them. And they will never end. Trust me.
Many would have you believe that dating apps are all about algorithms and probabilities. But in fact, dating apps are not about how to get around the system faster and get a date. They are about how to get a date with the right person, in due time. So stay clear of these profiles and only go for the ones that you need.
Be selective with your dating app game. It is not only the wisest option, but it is also the right one.
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Loves to play with new ideas, binge writing, traveling and gourmet coffee. Professional writer of non fiction with over 8 years experience in putting words to paper. Fan of iconic movies, sports, The Arctic Monkeys and city breaks. Yes, he knows how good his coffee is.