Guide: The ultimate free weight workout for men
So cardio is important. But so are weights. What if you were able to combine both in a free weight workout routine?
Truly, that would make you the ultimate iconic man. Well, it’s totally possible to combine both to work towards the body that you want.
It doesn’t have to be complicated. In fact, mixing cardio and weights can be fun. What’s even better is when you start seeing the results. This will motivate you even more. A year ago, I subscribed to a gym that offered classes where coaches trained by using a lot of free weight workouts. At first, I was a little intimidated because I never had done this. Then, when I did, I was sore. But what kept me coming back was the fact that I was challenging myself (and my body) to do something new and something that little by little, lead to results. Plus, despite the soreness, I found certain moves to be fun.
Today, when I look back and think about how I started, it amazes me how much my overall performance has improved. Not only do I have more toned muscles, I’ve also built resistance and learned how to push through those “I don’t feel like it today” moments. There will be a lot of those moments, it’s natural. But seeing your body improve and feeling great about yourself… well, nothing can top that.
Whether it’s rapid fat loss, bulging muscles or improving cardio, a pair of dumbbells can help you with your goals. We’ve compiled a list of the top five free weight workouts to lead you into the journey of becoming an iconic man:
- 1. Goblet squat: Beginner, intermediate or expert. These are perfect for any level. According to research, this move specifically targets glute activation while also working on both hip and thoracic mobility. It helps build lean muscle tissue and explosive power with a little resistance from the weights you’re holding. This move also helps to rush blood to your glutes, hamstrings, shoulders and arms, which in turn maximizes your muscle-growing power. Just make sure you stand with feet set wider than shoulder-width and hold a dumbbell (of whatever weight you choose) with both hands right in front of your chest. Sit back into a squat, then come back up with a semi-explosive move and repeat. I’m a big fan of this one because of all the muscle groups it targets. Plus, it’s a bit of a challenge.

2. Farmer’s walk: OK, fair enough. This one might seem a little pointless, right? All you have to do is walk forward taking short but quick steps. Well, it’s not that easy! Grab some weights and repeat this for a period of time with your back straight. Walking in itself is a workout, but when you add some weights you naturally are engaging more muscles because you need to carry it with you as you move. I include this move during all my free weight workouts and it feels light, but it’s the perfect exercise to do in between more intense free weight exercises. Try it out!

3. One arm swing: Grab a dumbbell or a kettlebell and get on swinging! Well, actually… sink into a squat and swing the dumbbell through your legs as you immediately drive yourself forward to bring the weight up. Repeat this movement, then swap sides. Or you can always do this move with both arms at the same time. In that case, I would recommend using a kettlebell as it’ll be easier. Arm swings help recruit muscles within your posterior chain and build your grip strength, coordination, lower back muscles, quadriceps and shoulders. I do this move almost every day and it works out all of the muscle groups I like focusing on, you can’t go wrong with swings!

4. Bench press: Well of course we couldn’t leave this one out. Go ahead and sink into a squat to then swing the weight through your legs before immediately driving yourself forward. Bring the weight up towards your head as you straighten your legs. This will build your pecs and help you tone your chest. I’m a big fan of this one! Make sure you increase your weight throughout time to achieve results.

5. Step-ups: The struggle is real! Not one of my favorite moves, but I do it regardless because whether I like to admit it or not this move is effective. Just place your right foot onto an elevated and steady platform and push up through your heel to lift yourself up. Then place the left foot, push back down and repeat. Concentrate on flexing your hip and the knee of your right leg. Repeat on the other side. This move is good for your glutes and doing any single leg exercises will increase the stability and strength of the smaller muscles around the joint, which protect against injuries.

Try a couple of these out or make them part of your routine. Exercising is great, but when you add a bit of resistance with some weight your body has to work harder and your muscles strengthen. It’s a win-win situation! You don’t have to grab heavy weights, work with whatever is comfortable for you. This in turn will get you the iconic man body you deserve!
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Writer. Photographer. Traveler. Looking to inform and inspire through words. If I’m not on my laptop scouting for the next story, I’m in a park running or at a restaurant enjoying free time with family and friends.